Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saving files in Adobe Photoshop Elements

When creating scrapbook pages, it is a good idea to stay consistent with your settings for each scrapbook page you make. This will make it easier for you later on to pick and choose which page you would like to use (for printing, sharing, etc.) and not have to worry about quality or size issues.

When I start up Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0, I create files with the following settings:

  • Instead of 12x12 pages, I create 12.25x12.25 pages. The reason for this is that some printing companies will cut off edges of your paper, especially when printing photobooks. Since the side that will be binded might get cut off, the extra .25 is a safety zone, although I never build anything too close to the edge anyhow.

My finished scrapbook pages are saved in three different ways.
  • PSD file w/ all layers
    This is meant to be saved for later use, if I ever decide to change something within the document. Always use one text layer for the credits of who's elements you used in the PSD.
  • High resolution JPEG
    This is the copy that I send off to printing companies, such as Arts Cow or Shutterfly.
  • Small resolution JPEG (600x600)
    This is the copy that is meant for sharing with friends, family, etc. I go to File>Save For Web to get it down to 600x600 before saving it. Yours can be smaller than 600x600, but I don't suggest going lower than 450x450.

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